Wolf Mini-Maze AFib Treatment Testimonials

Patients with atrial fibrillation (AFib) from every state in the USA and the world have come to Dr. Randall Wolf for the Wolf Procedure. Here are some of their testimonials.


“ Had my surgery yesterday. Amazed at the results. I am completely amazed at Dr Wolf and Methodist Hospital Houston. So glad God guided me here. I was doing a YouTube search about a surgery at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville my EP recommend. Then Dr Wolf and the Wolf Procedure popped up. The more I researched him and the procedure I was amazed....

Watched all his videos he had produced. Then decided to see if i could be a candidate. Long story short I'm in Houston Methodist a day after the Wolf Procedure. I'm in Normal Sinus Rythm, blood pressure 118/68, 94% oxygen, 92 bpm resting Heart Rate. I was told that this is expected after the surgery and will settle down. Got pain meds one time after the surgery for some discomfort when I breathed but that went away when I started the breathing exercises device they give you. That’s it! no pain meds. I'm free of all the tubes and IV ports.

Meet with Dr Wolf on 8/29 for the Linq. Then head back to West Tennessee with joy in my heart.This site has been a great deal of information and encouragement. Thank all you members that help me through this journey. I told Dr Wolf I don't say this very often to a man but had to tell him I Love You and meant it. Amazing human that has basically given me a normal life.”

— R. Riley

Note: This testimonial is from the Wolf Procedure Facebook group and has been edited for content.

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