The Rationale and Utility of Wolf Procedure Preoperative CT Scan
DATE: January 07, 2024
DEBAKEY CV LIVE presents a live webcast featuring Randall Wolf, MD. In this video, Dr. Randall Wolf reviews the need, importance, and rationale for a preoperative CT-Scan before undergoing the Wolf Procedure. Originally, Dr. John Mahmarian was going to cover this topic. Unfortunately, he had an accident and could attend the seminar (he is OK). Dr. Wolf covered the topic and answered many questions from the audience.
Randall Wolf, MD
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center,
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The video starts at 2 minutes.
Review Recent AFIB Research and Your Questions
DATE: December 03, 2024
DEBAKEY CV LIVE presents a live webcast featuring Randall Wolf, MD. In this video, Dr. Randall Wolf reviews the latest studies on AFib and takes questions from the audience on AFib. Following are some of the papers mentioned in this seminar.
♥. "Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A New Look at an Old Problem" Wolf, RK; Miranda EA. 2024. There is a video that accompanies this paper and it has also been published on this website. Click here.
♥. "Pulsed Field vs Conventional Thermal Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: Recurrent Atrial Arrhythmia Burden" Reddy VY, et al. 2024 Click here.
"Mid-Term Results of Totally Thoracoscopic Ablation in Patients with Recurrent Atrial Fibrillation after Catheter Ablation" Lim, SK et al. 2020 Click here.
Randall Wolf, MD
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center,
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The video starts at 2 minutes.
♥. "Pulsed field ablation: A promise with future broad-based applicability or a pause needing further analysis—Is catheter ablation at a crossroads? A critical appraisal of the new challenger—pulsed field ablation" Deering, TF et al. 2024 Click here.
♥. "Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Using Vein of Marshall Ethanol Infusion" Lador, A; Valderrábano, M. 2021 Click here.
Video: Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A New Look at an Old Problem
DATE: November 29, 2024
This video was produced by the Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center and is the companion to a clinical paper published by Journal of Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. The authors of the paper are Randall K. Wolf, MD and Efrain A. Miranda, PhD. In this video Dr. Wolf explains the surgical technique for the Wolf Mini-Maze.
The paper can be read here: "Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A New Look at an Old Problem"
Note: This video is published under a Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
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This video shows a surgical procedure in detail. Before viewing it, make sure that any children watching are mature enough to understand the procedure and imagery,
Ross Wroblewski: His Decision Tree Matrix
DATE: November 05, 2024
DEBAKEY CV LIVE presents a live webcast featuring Randall Wolf, MD. In this video Dr. Randall Wolf and his guest, Ross Wroblewski discuss his decision tree matrix that led him to select the Wolf Procedure as his treatment option for AFib..
Randall Wolf, MD
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center,
Ross Wroblewski
Patient, pilot, and skydiver
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The video starts at 2 minutes. Ross Wroblewski is 7 years postoperative and still AFib free and medication free. His decision matrix can be downloaded here (PDF), and also in the "Files" section of the Facebook WMM group.
A Conversation with Dr. Fahed, Houston Methodist EP
DATE: October 11, 2024
DEBAKEY CV LIVE presents a live webcast featuring Randall Wolf, MD. In this video Dr. Randall Wolf and his guest, Dr. Joseph Fahed discuss Atrial Fibrillation and different surgical techniques to treat it.
Randall Wolf, MD
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center,
Dr. Joseph Fahed
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center.
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AFib: A Deep Dive into the Autonomic Control of Heart Rhythm
DATE: 04/02/2024
DEBAKEY CV LIVE presents a live webcast featuring Randall Wolf, MD. In this video Dr. Randall Wolf and Dr. Efrain Miranda do a dep dive into the clinical anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System, the Vagus Nerve, the Ganglionated plexuses, and their influence in the control of heart rhythm and AFib.
Randall Wolf, MD
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center,
Efrain A. Miranda, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Medical Education
University of Cincinnati Medical School
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If you want to fast forward, the video starts at 2 minutes.
Dr. Miranda is the CEO of Clinical Anatomy Associates, Inc. and publishes a blog on clinical anatomy and Medical History topics called "Medical Terminology Daily".
Frequently Asked Questions About AFib
DATE: 03/05/2024
DEBAKEY CV LIVE presents a live webcast featuring Randall Wolf, MD. In this video, Dr. Randall Wolf's guest were Sandra Fezatt Schrameyer,RN, administrator of the WMM Facebook Group, and a patient who recently underwent the procedure.
Randall Wolf, MD
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center,
Sandra Schrameyer,RN
Administrator WMM Facebook group
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If you want to fast forward, the video starts at 45 seconds
Paul Chisholm
MiniMaze - A Surgeon's Perspective
DATE: 02/06/2024
DEBAKEY CV LIVE presents a live webcast featuring Randall Wolf, MD. In this video, Dr. Randall Wolf's guest is Dr. Seth Evans, ENT surgeon. Dr. Evans presents his experience with AFib and the Minimaze procedure
Randall Wolf, MD
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center,
Seth Evans, MD. ENT Surgeon
Texan ENT Specialists
211 Elmhurst Drive, Suite D/E
Kyle, TX 78640
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If you want to fast forward, the video starts at 25 seconds
Dr. Seth Evans has a blog on his journey dealing with AFib and his experience with the Minimaze procedure, click here. He also published an online document on his thought processes as he decided on the Minimaze as his choice. You can read this document here.
MiniMaze Possible After Meds, Ablation, Convergent Procedure Failed?
DATE: 12/05/2023
DEBAKEY CV LIVE presents a live webcast featuring Randall Wolf, MD. In this video where Dr. Randall Wolf and one of his patients discusses the possibility of doing a MiniMaze procedure even after failed medications and different AFib surgeries.
Randall Wolf, MD
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center,
Tye Smoole
Cotterkey 1830, LLC
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If you want to fast forward, the video starts at 1 minute 4 second.
DeBakey CV Education:
AFib: Let's Review the Anatomy
DATE: 11/07/2023
DEBAKEY CV LIVE presents a live webcast featuring Randall Wolf, MD. In this video Dr. Randall Wolf and Dr. Efrain Miranda discussed the underlying anatomy of the intrinsic cardiac autonomic nervous system and its influence on AFib.
Randall Wolf, MD
Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center,
Efrain A. Miranda, PhD
CEO Clinical Anatomy Associates, Inc.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Medical Education
University of Cincinnati Medical School
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If you want to fast forward, the video starts at 3 minutes 32 seconds.
DeBakey CV Education: